
This Girl Has Raised Nearly $400,000 For A Homeless Man Who Gave Her His Last $20

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GoFundMe - Driving into Philly one night, I made the mistake of thinking that I would be able to make it all the way down I- 95 with my gas light on. Needless to say, I was wrong. I never ran out of gas before, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I pulled over as far as I could, and got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station.

That’s when I met Johnny. Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong. He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can. Using his last 20 dollars to make sure I could get home safe.

Johnny did not ask me for a dollar, and I couldn’t repay him at that moment because I didn’t have any cash, but I have been stopping by his spot for the past few weeks. I repaid him for the gas, gave him a jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks, and I give him a few dollars every time I see him.

I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day. He is such a great guy, and talking to him each time I see him makes me want to help him more and more.


What a nice story. Couldn’t very well go about my day and not share this with the masses. Wouldn’t be right, wouldn’t be prudent. This dude Johnny gave our girl Kate his last 20 bucks after she ran out of gas and made sure she got home safe. Moved by his kindness, Kate decided to try and raise some money for him. We’ve all thought about doing it, but Kate went ahead with it, and boy, it TOOK OFF. As of publishing this blog, the GoFundMe has raised

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That’s a SHIT TON of money! Haven’t seen a fundraiser take off like this since the old lady who was being bullied on the bus by all those kids was given like 4 billion dollars.

And don’t you worry, they have a plan in place for Johnny:

Now lets get down to some business. We’ve received a lot of comments and questions about what johnnys plans are for this money and how it will be used. Hopefully this will answer them while keeping his privacy and the privacy of the people he is helping also. The first thing on the list is a NEW Home which Johnny will own!! He will never have to worry about a roof over his head again!! Second will be the dream truck he’s always wanted… a 1999 ford ranger (yes I’m serious). There will also be 2 trusts set up in his name, one essentially giving him the ability to collect a small “salary” each year and another retirement trust which will be wisely invested by a financial planner which he will have access to in a time frame he feels comfortable with so when the time comes he can live his retirement dream of owning a piece of land and a cabin in the country. A bank account will be set up for him with funds for every day needs that will get him through until he finds a job. And lastly, he will be donating to a few organizations and people who over the last couple of years have helped him get through this rough patch in his life. This is a well thought out plan that Johnny his lawyer and financial advisor came up with in order to give Johnny the means to acclimate back into a “normal” life and also to protect him and ensure he has a bright future. I hope this will answer all the questions we have been getting about his plans. Once again, we couldn’t thank all of you enough for the kindness you have shown. Mark and I are beyond humbled and grateful that you took our little project and turned it into a world wide cause that thousands of people supported. The next update you receive will be from Johnny himself. He finally got his new computer and he is dying to thank all you personally!! You guys are amazing, keep checking in with us from time to time.


A new home! A new truck! A monthly salary! Trusts! Johnny turned his last 20 dollars into a better life than I’ll ever have! Do you know how many Bitcoins Johnny can buy now!? He’s going to be a Winklevoss by this time next week. All because he helped a girl get gas. Good for him, man. And if I know 2017 like I think I know 2017, he’ll be on the Ellen show in 3 weeks and will be the CEO of Coca-Cola in 6 months. Gosh bless America, folks.