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School Administrators Were So Upset With This Kid's Haircut That They Put Him In Isolation...Twice

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Source -  Trisha Jukes, 34, says 15-year-old Jordan Waterfield, was kicked out of class after returning to school following the half term holidays.  Teachers at RSA Academy in Tipton, West Midlands, put him into isolation saying his haircut was extreme. 

‘As soon as I found out that he was put in isolation I was shocked, his hair cut wasn’t bothering anyone. ‘It’s a shame that he has missed out on a big chunk of education for the day just because of his hair.  ‘She claimed that Jordan was sent home from school but when she called they told her to bring him back. 

‘Jordan had been watching a lot of YouTube videos and decided that he wanted to have his hair braided. It was getting long on the top, and he wanted it even longer, so he decided to get it braided. To try and tidy it up he had his hair cut shorter and had two lines shaved into this head, further irritating staff at the school.

Trisha said: ‘He went back into school on Wednesday and everything was fine – even when he went back into school on Thursday they hadn’t noticed his new haircut. Friday morning I received a phone call from the school telling me that they had put him into isolation because of the lines in his hair.’ I was told that I either had to shave the lines out, or he would be in isolation until they grew out. ‘The only problem is, if I shave them out of his hair, it means his hair will be even shorter and subsequently even messier.’ The RSA Academy declined to comment.

Here’s a little lesson for all our younger readers: individuality is overrated. I know that may be painful to hear but it’s true. Youth is not the time for individuality, it’s about falling in line and doing what you’re told. If you want to break away from the pack do it through academics or sports, not weird haircuts. Save that for college when you can blame it on being drunk. Jordan seems pretty badass so I think he’ll be fine but for any normal kid that haircut is social suicide. He looks a like fifth-grade girl who just got back from her first trip to the Caribbean.


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I’m going to go out on a limb here and say mom was a bit of an “individual” herself, but it still has to go. He’s not fighting MMA, he’s learning algebra.

The most bizarre part of the story is the fact that the school’s putting kids in prison-style isolation rooms, like that’s some sort of punishment. Any normal kid would kill to be thrown in iso. I had a teacher in high school that would send kids to the wrestling room as punishment and it was best. All you had to do was raise your hand, “Yes, Mr. McAuliffe?” “Fuck you.” “To the wrestling room!” “Thank you, sir!” It was like a party, kids would be dipping, drinking, the real scumbags would smoke, it was great. No adult supervision – just a room full of degenerates. I don’t know if his high school separates the students out but he’s got it made regardless.