Miami Crushed Notre Dame On The Field But Some Of Their Fans Got Their Asses Whooped By The Concession Stands
Listen Miami fans? They’re COCKY right now. All you hear about every Saturday is “The U is back!” They’ve got that turnover chain which has become the savviest PR move to generate interest and hype that I can remember. And now they’re in the middle of absolutely stomping out Notre Dame and go for a quick beer run. Wrong place, wrong time for these sad, hapless Irish fans.
Or was it?
Ppl forget they’re the “Fighting Irish”
More than held their own against this squadron of U bros. Seriously as soon as I saw that Irish kid get himself into position, lay down an opening hook then bounce around on his toes like Mayweather about to defend the belt, I knew it was going to be a PPV quality match.
Good for them. Gotta save your manhood somehow as the scoreboard flashes:
That Miami kid popping IMMEDIATELY back up after the devastating haymaker was the most THEUISBACK thing I’ve seen yet. That was damn impressive.
Miami fans stay taking shots.