
Two Chicago Aldermen Looking To Make "Upskirt Photos" Illegal, Everyone In Chicago Says At The Same Time "Upskirt Photos Are Technically Legal Right Now?"




CHICAGO (CBS) – Two aldermen have proposed an ordinance that would make it illegal to snap so-called “upskirt photos” in Chicago. WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports Ald. Latasha Thomas (17th) and Finance Committee Chairman Edward Burke (14th) grew concerned about the ability to prosecute people who use cell phones or small cameras to take pictures from under women’s skirts without their knowledge or consent, after the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled such photos were legal.

Thomas said technology makes such invasions of privacy much easier. “I still have an expectation that they’re not looking through my clothes, or under my clothes,” she said. “We didn’t know, but Massachusetts really brought it out for us, and so now in Chicago, Chairman Burke and I are making sure that we get this right,” she said. In the Massachusetts case, the court ruled a man who took “upskirt” photos of women riding the subway was not illegal, because the women were not nude or partially nude at the time. After that ruling, Massachusetts lawmakers rushed to close any loopholes in the state’s “upskirt” law, and make the taking of such pictures a misdemeanor, punishable by jail time and fines. The proposal from Thomas and Burke would impose a fine of up to $500 for anyone who photographs, videotapes, or makes a live transmission of another person “under or through the clothing worn by that other person for the purpose of viewing the body of or the undergarments worn by that person without that person’s consent.”




No seriously. Did anyone read that headline and not immediately think, oh shit, I can take upskirt photo’s and not go to jail? Genius work by these two Aldermen. How many people take upskirt pictures of chicks on a daily basis? Has to be very few right? All time creep move. Now how many people will take upskirt photo’s knowing that the law can’t stop them? This is basically like placing a gigantic red button in front of everyone and telling them to not touch it, BUT if they do touch it, nothing bad will happen and also they can go home and masturbate to the red button after work. Smooth move all around guys, thanks for the tip on legal loopholes.