
Marquise Goodwin's 83-Yard Touchdown Against The Giants Came Mere Hours After His Newborn Son Died


I couldn’t imagine getting out of bed after experiencing the kind of stuff that Marquise Goodwin and his wife went through yesterday. Instead he went out, played an NFL game, and scored a huge touchdown in his team’s first win of the season. And if that celebration doesn’t hit you directly in the feels after learning the back story, you flat out don’t have a soul.

My daughter’s third birthday was on Saturday and I realized that on birthdays you reflect more than usual about the entire journey to get your kid where they are on that day. From the trip to the hospital, to the first year full of milestones, to all the days leading up to that birthday. I know we have fun on the blog and Podfathers about everything. But when you have a kid, you truly do get a new best friend placed into your life. I don’t know how else to explain it. I was told about it before I had kids and it didn’t make any sense until the first time I held Siena. Yeah the long nights and dirty diapers and all that nonsense sucks. But in the end, it is always 1000000% worth it because Siena is my favorite thing in the universe. To have all that ripped away from you in an instance is as heartbreaking as it gets. Just looking at that picture makes me tear up. I can’t even fathom what the Goodwins are going through and my heart truly goes out to them.