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High School Linemen Come Out To Game In A Hog Trailer

I don’t know what school this is, what state this took place in, really anything other than what the video shows. All I know is this team: 1) won this game by 178 points and 2) runs the ball with the tenaciousness of a Tasmanian devil in a tornado. These kids probably get pissed when it’s not raining during a game. They just want to get in the slop and move defensive linemen back 15 yards per down. These kids were born in the trenches. Their mothers were mudders. If Wisconsin gave this entire line a scholarship they’d win a National Title within four years.

What an all time intro. The only one that even comes close to this in recent memory is the Oscar Smith Tiger Cage. And while a tiger cage with the intro from “The Purge” blaring can be super intimidating, a whole line rolling up to the field on a Friday night in a hog trailer and bursting out like a gang of marauders might just take the cake.