
Zay Jones Breaks Out A Fantastic Star Wars Lightsaber Duel And Force Push Celebration

That. Was AWESOME. We can all talk about the millions of things the NFL has fucked up over the last few years. But bringing back touchdown celebrations is one of the things they have actually done right. I mean I guess I shouldn’t give The Shield too much credit for killing something everyone on the planet loved. But still, NFL players have brought the heat with the celebrations now that they are back, with this Zay Jones celly in the running for the best of the season. I’ll admit that’s the Star Wars nerd in me coming out. But the lightsaber duel was so authentic, you could almost hear Zay Jones and Andre Holmes making the lightsaber noises with their mouths. Almost as electric as Robbie Fox’s play by play of the lightsaber tournament in Orlando this year.



Now if you will excuse me, I have to get extra nerdy for this part of the blog.

Zay Jones is definitely the name of a Star Wars character in some extended universe book. I’m guessing he’s Sith based on the power and recklessness of that Force push, but I’ll have to ask Robbie tomorrow if Zay is on the light side or dark side. Regardless, Zay is my new favorite player and I will be picking him up in fantasy once he clears waivers.