
God Save The Soul Of This Man Who's Wife Is Making Him Have A Wedding Every Single Day For A Year



(Source) For Chicago-born bride Rachael Kay Albers and her fiancé Roberto Hess, one wedding was never going to be enough for them to say how much they truly loved each other.  So, after canceling their traditional wedding, the couple agreed to say ‘I do’ to each other every day for a whole year.  The couple, who on Friday will have their 76th wedding, say their vow to wed every day has brought them closer together. Since their first wedding on January 5, the couple have held ceremonies with their family and friends, and been married at their home, in city squares, and surrounded by mist-covered hills.  Although they are not yet legally wed – something they have planned for later this year – the couple say their plan has made them fully appreciate and love one another more. It’s an opportunity to show [Rachael] how important [she is] to me, and how romantic can I be … for that, one day is never enough,’ Hess said in a video on their website, as the couple tried to explain why they are having 365 weddings.  Albers, who met Hess whole salsa dancing in San Cristóbal, where the couple live and work, said as they prepared for their traditional wedding she realized it didn’t really reflect their values.      



Big time reality check here guys. Did you lose money yesterday? Is your bracket busted? Did your team get knocked out? Ok, well that’s all fine, because at least you aren’t this fucking guy who has to have a wedding EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR. And yes, I know that technically it’s his choice too but let’s be honest here, look at this vine from WGN this morning. That’s not free choice, that’s a straight up hostage video.  






I wouldn’t be surprised if he was blinking an SOS code to the world, hoping someone would come save him. Fucking terrifying.