
With 7 Players Left At The Final Table, Scott Blumstein Has Half Of The Chips In Play

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via PokerNews

Dayum. That’s all you can really say about that. What an absurd position to be in if you’re Scott Blumstein. With 7 players left in the WSOP Main Event, he sits with half of the chips in play. Nearly 150 big blinds, with the next highest at 65. That’s insane. What a time to run hotter than the devil. This isn’t your daily $150 tournament down at the local watering hole, this has 8.1 million dollars for first. And Scott has allllllll the chips. Shit, he could oversleep and show up 3 hours late today and probably still pocket himself an extra million dollars just from the other players going to war trying to double up.

Scott won the biggest hand of the tournament last night when he doubled through the people’s champion John Hesp, who is a ray of sunshine for poker and a blast to watch play:

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With 7 players remaining, everyone is guaranteed a comfy pay day of $1.4 mil

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When you look at those payouts and remember there are 4 people with under 20 big blinds….


Good luck to Scott, and to Bryan who I just have always loved watching play online and though I’ve never met him appears to be a great guy. Everyone else can fuck right off.

And in case you missed it, myself and Smitty chatted with Scott before the Final Table began yesterday. Good stuff. The FT resumes tonight at 8 on ESPN, playing down to 3, before a champion is then crowned on Saturday.