
Nate's Vegas Diary, Day 2 - Viva Las Vegas And The Return Of Club Nate

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Dear Diary,

I can’t believe it’s only Sunday. Vegas has this way of making you lose all concept of time, space, and sleep. Right now my brain feels like the goo Alex Mac would morph into to sneak out of the house. Typing this blog feels like walking in quick sand. It’s 12:30 in the afternoon and I’m ready for a nap. But there’s no time for that. Have a few things to do today, but first, need to recap yesterday.

Yesterday, Saturday, was a big filming day. Elvis stopped by

We hung out with Phil Hellmuth

And then hit the club for the return of Club Nate

Whoops, that was the pregame.

We went to XS and Club Nate busted out a Nae Nate for the ages

Errybody in the club doin the Nae Nate! Shout out to Joey, fucking legend.

Phil was really cool. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and he was the best. We did a quick interview with him, shout out to Smitty for crushing it. Then we did a horse race in the Rio hallway, no idea why, but when Phil Hellmuth wants you to do a horse race in the Rio hallway, you do a horse race in the Rio hallway.

So this is where we’re at- day 1b of the main event is going on right now. This hand just happened:


I play tomorrow, day 1C, starting at 11am. I wrote some about what it means to me in the first diary entry, and as the witching hour approaches, the surrealness is beginning to set it. Not nerves, but more like “holy shit, this is actually going to happen”. Shout out to FantasyLabs, Bales the Gawd.

Follow along on Twitter, I’ll be tweeting updates @BarstoolNate and maybe doing some Instagram stuff too. It’s going to be awesome, I’m super excited, and man I hope I don’t run a full house into quads.

Til next time,

With love,

