
Didi Gregorious is the MAN And Has Been Standing In The Subway In NYC All Day Swiping People In For Free So They Vote For Him To Get In The All Star Game #SirDidi4Sure

I am in love with a man named Didi Gregorious and I don’t care who knows it!! Put this man in Miami next week for the LOVE OF GOD!!! Not only is he a gold glove shortstop who is having a career year, but he doubles as the absolute coolest guy in the world too. You think that bum Logan Morrison is out in the streets of Tampa trying to get All Star votes? Nope, he’s too busy chirping Gary Sanchez on Twitter because someone didn’t get in the home run derby. DEAD LAST.

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Didi absolutely 1,000% deserves to be in the All Star Game and it’ll be a damn shame if we don’t make it happen.



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Twitter: @ehubbs13