
The Sperminator Has Fathered 23 Kids and Has 8 More on the Way


NY Post - A year after The Post revealed that CUNY math professor Ari Nagel had fathered 23 kids — some conceived the old-fashioned way, others involving sperm handoffs at public spots such as the Atlantic Center Target in downtown Brooklyn — he’s back. Nagel, 41, has donated his supersperm to even more women, resulting in four kids born since last Father’s Day. And eight other ladies, from Florida to Maryland to the Bronx, are currently pregnant because of him.

In fact, wannabe mommies from all over the globe have reached out to Nagel after seeing his story in The Post: He’s had inquiries from Turkey, Nigeria, South Africa and even China. …

In every case, the women are covering the cost of the flights. But, as always, Nagel charges nothing for his sperm. …

As The Post reported last year, the Sperminator often uses public restrooms — Target, Starbucks — for procuring samples: “Once a location is chosen, Nagel will go into the bathroom, pleasure himself while watching porn on his iPhone .?.?. and ejaculate into an Instead Softcup, a type of menstrual cup. He then delivers the specimen to the woman, who goes into the ladies’ restroom and inserts it into her cervix.” …

And then there’s Amanda Santiago, who received a red Solo cup full of Nagel’s sperm at his friend’s backyard barbecue in Queens. …

A week after Nagel was first profiled in The Post last Father’s Day, he admitted that his wife — with whom he lives in downtown Brooklyn and shares three children, ages 13, 6 and 3 — of 12 years was upset by the situation. Although Nagel claimed his wife, with whom he said he did not have a romantic relationship, knew of his Sperminator hobbies, an anonymous tipster told The Post she “had no idea.” …

[H]e took a sperm sabbatical for three months. But Nagel found he couldn’t ignore his calling. “It’s hard to say no [to the women], especially when it’s something that’s so important to them and so easy for me to give,” he said.

I’ve not only worked a lot of different jobs in my life, I’ve probably had more careers than anybody I know. Everything from cooking to state worker to radio host and now full time blogging. So I speak from experience when I say the truest words ever spoke are: “If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life.”

Now, I can’t speak to how good life as CUNY math professor is. But Ari Nagel’s side job sounds like just about he perfect gig. Talk about loving what you do. Like most guys, I consider jerking off in a Target bathroom to be a hobby. Something I do just for fun. Nagel has turned it into a lucrative career. Making a vocation out of his avocation. Not only getting to see the world, but helping women everywhere, one cup full of his magic baby batter at a time.

I can’t imagine anything more positive. Nor could I imagine anyone who’d begrudge the Professor of Pregnancy, the Sultan of Swimmers, this Magna Cum Louder the use of his godlike testicles. But I didn’t count on Mrs. Nagel being such a wet blanket.

Way to go, Debbie Downer. Acting like there’s something unwholesome about a stranger pouring your husband’s semen into her cervix like a sperm smoothie into a glass. You’ve had your kids with Ari. He’s not taking anything away from you. It’s not a zero sum game. You could share his limitless, Fallopian-navigating, egg-penetrating, high octane supersperm with a world full of childless women. But no. You have to be selfish and think only of yourself. Well thank goodness Ari doesn’t give into your selfish demands. And I for one would toast him with a red solo cup of jizz any time. Cheers, Sperminator.
