
Ole Miss's Newest Self-Imposed Sanction: Begging Justin Bieber On Twitter To Wear Jersey

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Blog by college sports enthusiast “Intern Jack” -

Justin Bieber, the biggest sports fan bandwagoner in the world besides your 7-year old cousin and Drake, took to Twitter two weeks ago to talk some sports:

Not going to disagree with the Biebs take. I, like most people, haven’t thought much about it since June 5th, the night of the tweet.

You know who isn’t like most people? Ole Miss:

Classic situation here of a school trying to be all cool and hip, but falling on its face. Nice try, Ole Miss, but we aren’t going to forget about that whole cheating thing you’ve got going on.

If this was done the day after Bieber’s tweet, then MAYBE it would’ve been decent, but this was a fight Ole Miss wasn’t going to win. This wasn’t exactly a pristine example of playing to your market. I know I may be going out on a limb here, but the correlation between Ole Miss fans and those who genuinely like Justin Bieber cannot be that high.

Paying recruits? Definitely playing to your market.

Making an 11-day late Justin Bieber joke on Twitter? Definitely NOT playing to your market.
