
The "Luke I Am Your Father" Scene Takes Us Into Father's Day Weekend

This is kind of a big scene I guess. Only the most epic plot twist, most misquoted line (Obviously it’s “No, I am your father”), and most famous spoiler ever in one of the greatest movies ever.

Anyway, happy weekend everybody and a Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Just remember, you may not be the best father in the world. But you probably didn’t kill your wife and contribute to the murder of million of innocent people like Darth Vader did. After all, being a parent is all about comparing yourself to parents that are worse than you are. I hope your family takes good care of you on Sunday and you don’t get a fucking tie.

Oh yeah and if you want to get anything for the three idiot dad bloggers on this site, please rate, review, and subscribe to Podfathers if you haven’t already. I promise it doesn’t suck.