
Liam Gallagher Is Not Happy With His Brother Noel For Missing The Manchester Benefit Concert

Independent - Oasis fans were hoping the One Love Manchester concert at Old Trafford would see a reunion between the Gallagher brothers, but it was not to be.

Despite a surprise appearance from Liam Gallagher, who performed Oasis hits ‘Rock N’ Roll Star’ and ‘Live Forever’ along with his new solo single, Noel Gallagher was unable to attend.

His absence was criticised by Liam who branded his brother a “sad f***” and apologised to Manchester on his behalf.

Before the event a spokesperson said: “Sadly, Noel will not be at the concert this weekend.

“He’s been out of the country on a longstanding family trip since before the concert was announced and is unable to attend.

This likely won’t do much to stop Liam Gallagher from venting on social media.

The morning after the One Love Manchester concert he wrote: “Noels [sic] out of the f***ing country weren’t we all love get on a f***ing plane and play your tunes for the kids you sad f***”.

In case you were holding out hope for an Oasis reunion, it certainly doesn’t look promising. If an ISIS attack on their home town wasn’t enough to get Noel and Liam back together, I’m not sure anything will. And it seems Liam is…none too pleased with it.


Now, if you follow the Noel and Liam drama, you know they are always going at it like this. Liam using the Manchester bombing to bury his brother is cold blooded, and likely will set any possible reunion back another 5 years. If they weren’t going to reunite last night, who knows what it’ll take. I just know when they do, I’ll be there. Hopefully they can stop being dicks and make it happen.