
A 3-Foot, 24-Year-Old Japanese Porn Star That Capitalizes On Looking Like A Child Just Seems Wrong




Daily Mail- A 3ft Japanese porn star who capitalises on looking like a child in X-rated films is actually a 24-year-old computer programmer. Kohey Nishi, who has an incurable disease called mucopolysaccharidosis, earns a living by having sex with women who look old enough to be his mother. He struggles to stand for longer than five minutes because of his condition, but added that this does not bother him as most of his porn shoots are on a bed.

Mr Nishi was introduced to the adult film industry by his ‘drinking buddy’, porn mogul Ganari Takahashi, and hopes to ‘prevent children from being sexually abused’ through his work. The former computer programmer joins the likes of Bridget the Midget, Mini Mya and Lady Gangsta in carving out a niche for little people in porn.

What the fuck Japan?!?! Apparently the rest of the world let your weirdo porn shit go on unchecked for way too long and this is the consequences of it. I’m not sure how deep it goes unless Donnie ever does a Whoa That’s Weird episode from Tokyo, but do I know that there are at least such things as tentacle and anime porn. As weird and creepy as that shit is, as well as the horrifying brother/sister/mother porn that has invaded the front page of porn tube sites around the globe, anything that looks like a kid should be instantly blocked. The UN should step in and block all the smut sites from Japan until Kohey hangs them up and falls back on his computer programming degree. I don’t care how many businessmen jump off bridges or if Kohey commits sepuku because he doesn’t want to go back to the cube life. The only people watching Kohey videos are fucked in the head.

And yes I realize that there is probably some vile shit you can find on the dark web and this keeps them off of there. But sickos like that should have to go on the dark web and at least have the chance that some hackers with morals like Mr. Robot will out their shit and report it to the police and become the hunted with Jared the Subway guy and that sick fuck Jerry Sandusky in the slammer.