
Adelphi University Lax Team Takes The Field With A Custom Trump Speech House Music Remix

NYDNThe Adelphi University lacrosse team has been taking the field to audio of a Donald Trump campaign speech.

A video published by Barstool Sports depicts the Panthers taking the field for a game played at the school’s Garden City campus this season waving an American flag while excerpts of the speech were broadcast over the loudspeakers.

“In all of our cities and in all of our towns, I make this promise: We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again! God bless you and good night. I love you!”

To be honest I basically threw the timer on my phone the second Gaz hit “publish” on this Instagram video waiting for the season long suspension to come down from the Adelphi administration.

But in a wild turn of events:

According to Adelphi, the lacrosse team is free to use Trump’s speech as an intro.

“The men’s lacrosse team’s regular season pre-game warm-up music is selected as a team and approved for use so long as they do not contain vulgarity or inappropriate subject matter,” the school said in a statement. “The songs they proposed and used this season meet those guidelines. As such, we are obliged to follow the policy.”

“The men’s lacrosse team has traditionally chosen patriotic music for its pre-game warm-up,” head coach Gordon Purdie said in a statement. “It was not intended to provoke or be taken as a political statement. We’re sorry if anyone was offended.”

Actually shocking.    I know that playing the audio from a speech by the President of the United States shouldn’t make you instantly assume a team is going to get in trouble for it, but anything goes with Trump, the ultimate trigger.

Have a feeling the general consensus on the internet won’t be regarding Adelphi so favorably however.  Northeastern lax bro Trump supporters aren’t always fan favorites on social media.