
Lebron James Is Threatening To Sue Cleveland Based Mom and Pop Beer Company Because He Held Their Beer During Game 1 of Playoffs

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Yahoo - The bottle was in James’ hand for about a second, maybe less. But that was enough time for the beer company, Great Lakes Brewing Co., to take the image and run with it. James and his associates weren’t happy with the company’s use of his likeness. James has no business relationship with Great Lakes Brewing. According to, citing a source close to James, the Cavs star and his people “would consider legal action” against the company. And their displeasure isn’t just based on the fact that James doesn’t endorse any Great Lakes products. It’s because there’s some history here. Back in 2010, after James left Cleveland to join the Miami Heat as a free agent, Great Lakes sold a special pale ale named “Quitness” — a play off Nike’s “Witness” campaign with LeBron — at its downtown pub. As you might expect, James hasn’t forgotten about “Quitness.” Here’s what he told about the whole situation: “This is about the last thing I’m trying to worry about right now, my agent and my legal team will take care of it, but yeah I know [Great Lakes] is trying to benefit off of me. And I heard they were the same company that made all those ‘Quitness’ beers, and now they’re trying to benefit off me this way? Yeah, it’s pretty funny.”

This is almost why I almost feel bad for the people of Cleveland.. Sure Lebron is good at basketball. Sure they have a good team to root for. But at what cost? Is it really worth selling your soul to the devil? Would your rather root for the antichrist or lose with dignity? Because make no mistake about it. Lebron James is a skunk. He pretends to care about Cleveland. He doesn’t care at all. If he did he would have never left in the first place. He would have never cheated on Cleveland. But he did. He is an adulterer. And after rubbing the entire cities face in the mud he came back and demanded they worship the ground he walks on or he’d cheat again. There is no remorse. There is no guilt. Instead he threatens to sue the blue collar workers of that city when they try to scratch and claw their way to earn a living. He threatens to sue the very citizens he claims to represent. Hey Lebron nobody told you to pick up that beer. You did that on your own to be “Cool Guy Lebron.” Of course Great Lakes Brewing Company would post that image on social media. Only a complete egomanic and fraud would threaten to sue over it. Poor Cleveland. Poor Cleveland indeed. But don’t worry people. Lebrons day for honoring himself will soon be at an end. The Boston Celitcs will put you out of your misery once and for all.