
People Are Pretty Worried About This Duck Swimming Around With A Knife Stuck In His Head

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Yahoo- The RSPCA has received reports of a duck with a knife embedded in its head in the Adelaide Hills.  The animal welfare group says it received three separate reports, two of which were accompanied by pictures, about the duck at Byethorne Park in Nairne on Friday, calling it “an appalling, deliberate act of cruelty”. RSCPA rescue officers have searched the park but have not been able to find the duck, and the authority is urging anyone who may see it to contact them. A Facebook post about the bird from RSPCA South Australia has raised more than 800 comments, mostly of outrage and occasionally scepticism.


The part of the story I don’t like is that people gave up looking for the duck after like an hour. They didn’t put posters up or anything, they just sat on the porch like goons and waited. Those people gotta think, you got a pet. You got a responsibility. If a duck gets stabbed in the head you don’t look for an hour then call it quits. You get your ass out there and you find that fucking duck. It can’t be that hard to find. Here’s the description: it’s a duck with a giant knife stuck in his melon. Probably the only one in the world with that condition currently. Who took the picture and didn’t help the duck? That’s the really fucked up part man. That guy would rather get the Likes on Facebook than lend a helping hand. We’re all just living species rotating on this giant blue rock in the middle of nowhere. We gotta help each other out and take knives out of each other’s heads when it calls for that. Maybe his other duck friend could help out too but shit they’re probably the ones that done did the crime. You ever see ducks fight over pieces of Wonder Bread in the park? Shit is ruthless. It makes the Bloods and the Crips look like a pillow fight. Somebody find this duck.