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A Mother And Son Were Shown On The Bucks Kiss Cam Last Night And Their Reaction Restored My Faith In Humanity

I’m a huge Kiss Cam guy. Maybe my favorite part about going to a game including the actual game. The top notch smooching music. The reactions to a kiss. And booing the fuck out of the prudes that refuse to kiss on camera my be my favorite part. If you aren’t singing “Kissssss meeeeeee” 10 minutes after the Kiss Cam is over, you don’t have a soul.

However, I salute this mom and kid for refusing to kiss. Sure this kid’s mom could have given him a mom kiss on the cheek or some shit. Yet that likely would have only fueled the savages in Milwaukee looking for lips to lock without knowing the back story. But completely shooting it down from the jump restored my faith in humanity for one simple reason. Porn. Sometime in the early 2010s, step parent and step sibling porn became the hot category on porn sites. It was talked about often on KFC Radio. It was always an auto skip for me when it appeared on my front page (Not suggested for me either. Just featured by the lovely PornHub algorithms).

Well as always, the porn game has evolved again. This time dropping the step. That’s right. Mom/son porn is apparently the rage according to PornHub’s front page. It’s now a super auto skip for me, even though the two people clearly aren’t related. But there are some lines that just shouldn’t be crossed for the sake of porn parody. So shout out to this mom for nipping things in the bud by making a face of pure disgust while her son lives out his worst nightmare and letting those porn tube sites know that this aggression will not stand.


P.S. This guy clearly wouldn’t mind a guest role on the Kiss Cam with that mama
