
UF's Caleb Brantley Prepares For A Potential 2nd Round NFL Draft Selection By...Punching A Woman In The Face and Knocking Her Unconscious

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Just a savvy savvy move by the University of Florida D tackle here. First of all any man who punches a woman in the face is a piece of garbage. Any man who is 6’3″ 300 pounds and feels so threatened by a 5’6″ 120 pound woman he has to punch her as hard he can in the face is an extra special piece of garbage and a coward. And any man who is literally days away from the NFL Draft and let’s himself get involved in a situation where he ends up KO’ing a woman is a cowardly and unbelievably, unimaginably STUPID coward.

A critical time where you’re under the microscope in every aspect of your life with your future career and millions upon millions of dollars on the line. A time when teams are desperately searching and digging for red flags. Where all you have to do is hit the weight room, get your training in and lay low for a few months waiting from draft night. Annnnd Caleb Brantley decides to go out and knock a girl’s tooth out so bad it requires a root canal once she regains consciousness.  Doing the scouts’ job for them and alerting them that yes, you are in fact a massive scumbag.
