
I Can Watch Ovi's Goal From Last Night On Repeat Forever

Just so filthy. What can a goalie even do there? Shatty put it on a platter for Ovi and he bombed it 140 MPH top corner. Andersen was just helpless. Shrugged it off like “what the fuck else can I do there?”

Ovi now has 3 goals, all filthy, in the 4 games vs the Leafs. I would like to say game 1 shouldn’t even count because he was clearly still sweating out vodka from the time off, but it is what it is.

The other goals were all pretty nice too. Willy’s nifty deflection, Willy’s 2 on 1 goal, Oshie picking his spot…just awesome all around.

And the fact they had Tom Wilson mic’d up for his second goal was pretty cool too

Gotta keep the foot on the pedal and keep it rolling tomorrow. DC should be rocking.


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