
Jose Quintana Made a Pit Stop on the Late Show with Jimmy Fallon Last Night

I could blog all day every day about how good Jose Quintana is at pitching at baseballs. Yeah yeah yeah, he’s had a few shit starts to start the year and since he’s the last major trade chip the White Sox have to launch them into a decade straight of sustained success, White Sox fans want to go by way of Aaron Hernandez and hang themselves because all of a sudden two bad starts supersedes 4 straight years of dominance and his value has plummeted.

But that’s not what this is about. This is about rags to riches. This is about freedom. This is about chasing the American dream. Jose Quintana, born in the pits of Columbia, taught himself how to speak English by…. Watching Jimmy Fallon. Sure, Jimmy Fallon kinda stinks and Q endorsing him is a major character flaw, but I don’t need my aces to have great sense of humors. I need them to be machines wired to shut down opposing offenses, which Q has done his entire career.

Real talk – Q is fine. As I said, Sox fans are completely on edge because he got hit around his last start. I’d be nervous if the Twins peppered him all over the field if his shit wasn’t there, I.E. his fastball velo was down or his hook didn’t have the same bite to it, but that’s not the case. What he hasn’t had thus far is great command. He hasn’t located his fastball nearly as well as we have grown accustomed to seeing with Q and he’s paid for it. That said, he’s still sitting 91-94 and has the same plus 3 pitch mix he’s always had. It’s only a matter of time before he rights the ship and again is a quality start machine.

Carl and I had White Sox GM Rick Hahn to discuss Quintana, the international market, my fucking up trade negotiations between the White Sox and the rest of the league because I ran my mouth with all my #scoops last summer and more. Not to brag. There are only 30 people with his job title on planet earth. Have a listen below.