
Phil Jackson Needs To Sign This Grandma That Doesn't Miss In Pop-A-Shot

Look at Granny Buckets filling the cylinder with no regard for mankind. Jesus Christ that lady’s jumper is wetter than the Mediterranean. There are not many feelings better than being in the zone and you can double that when either a bunch of people are watching morph into a Splash Brother in a pop-a-shot game or you know you are being recorded while you are tossing fireballs like NBA Jam.

However I know Phil Jackson will never sign this old bag. Yeah she would get absolutely bodied in the low post by any team that did a lick of scouting. Hips breaking and Medicare costs rising would both probably occur in the first week of the season. But the real reason this granny never had a chance to rock the orange and blue is that despite the NBA becoming a league predicated on shooting, Phil Jackson still believes in the goddamn triangle above all us. How have the last three years been goink, Phil?

P.S. I would like to offer a hardy FUCK YOU to the Knicks for refusing to tank in last night’s game against the Sixers and instead ensuring they would tie the Timberwolves for the 6th spot in the lottery. Can’t wait for the coin flip that will 1000000% go against us.

Fuck this franchise.