
Giancarlo Stanton Smoked Two Home Runs Last Night, Dude Jumps In The Pool After The Second One

Big Dick Stanton is BACK, baby! It was a weird season for BDS last year. He went through a stretch where he was statistically the worst hitter in baseball, and then he bounced back big time by launching home runs left and right, which was a precursor to him winning his first Home Run Derby, although he’d ultimately go down with a groin injury in mid-August that we were told was supposed to end his season. It didn’t. Stanton returned about a week into September, but it was too late for the Marlins’ playoff chances.

I feel like there isn’t a baseball fan who also doesn’t consider themselves a Stanton fan. Like, who the hell is watching Stanton at the plate and being like, “Fuck this guy.” The Marlins don’t have a historical rival, so it’s not even like there’s a fan base that’s obligated to hate him because of the jersey he wears.

That’s why I’m sure that we’re all on the same page here in hoping that he can stay healthy and be out there for at least 120 games in 2017. In the seasons that he’s played at least 120 games, here are his home run totals — 34, 37, and 37. And in two of those three seasons, he led the National League in slugging percentage. He also led the league once in homers and once in total bases out of those three years. To me, baseball is just more enjoyable when this dude is blasting homers at the speed of sound, so I’m stoked to see that he’s back out there doing the damn thing.

PS — Props to that dude for checking his pockets for his cell phone before he jumped in the pool after Stanton’s second homer. It never would’ve registered in my brain to check my pockets first. I’m an act first, think later guy. That mindset works out more often than you’d think. Would not have worked out here, though.
