
Joakim Noah Needs Rotator Cuff Surgery And Will Require 4-6 Months Of Rehab

The Vertical- As his $72 million free-agent contract becomes a bigger source of embarrassment for the organization, New York Knicks center Joakim Noah will undergo surgery for a left torn rotator cuff, league sources told The Vertical. Noah will need four to six months to rehabilitate the shoulder, sources said, an injury that comes in the aftermath of a 20-game NBA suspension for a banned supplement.

Noah, 32, has had trouble for years with his shoulder, and it necessitated surgery. He underwent arthroscopic knee surgery in January, and the league allowed the Knicks to start his suspension over the final eight games of the regular season. Noah will be suspended for the first 12 games that doctors deem him healthy to be activated next season.

His continued deterioration leaves the Knicks’ salary cap strangled with the $54 million owed him over the next three seasons. Noah joined the Knicks in July with hopes of rekindling his partnership with Derek Rose in New York, but Rose’s season was stopped short with knee surgery too.

Nothing like a late night Woj bomb to cap a night off. Actually I don’t think we can even put Joakim Noah injury news anywhere near to Woj bomb territory. Noah news is barely even a Woj bullet anymore, even though this tweet is one of the more impressive things I have ever read.

I truly can’t even get mad at that fact because it is so impressive. Knee surgery, a suspension, AND rotator cuff surgery all killed Joakim Noah’s surgery. If you bet on any of those outcomes for his first year in New York, collect your money at the window. I’m actually kind of pissed the Knicks didn’t shut Noah down once he had the knee surgery and try to construct a Super Noah. Just operate on his entire body so nothing would possibly need surgery by training camp. The same crazy man that clapped in peoples’ eyeballs would be there

But all those nagging injuries would be gone. Plus that amount of physical change would probably (hopefully) his awwwwful shooting form

Nope. Instead we get a player that is out until probably at least training camp if not into the regular season while taking up $18 million/year on the books for the next three years. Great, grand, WONDERFUL. The Zen Master’s biggest signing outside of Melo.

And you want to know what really grinds my gears? The sickest thing of all this is that Noah was drafted by the Bulls with one of the picks the Knicks traded in the Eddy Curry deal. The Bulls then got all of Noah’s good years and then the Knicks are stuck with the bill of an aging, injury prone, declining player. Just. Like. Eddy. Fucking. Curry (even though Curry never held a candle to Noah). Time is a flat, shitty circle when it comes to being a Knicks fan. If James Dolan isn’t going to sell or die anytime soon, I hope the Knicks get contracted just so I can be an NBA widow casually admiring other teams from a distance while remembering the good times I had with mine when it was alive (even though there haven’t been many recently).

Fuck this franchise.