
I Passed On Buying This 71.2 Million Dollar Pink Diamond: Let Me Tell You Why


I passed on buying this pink diamond that sold for 71.2 million dollars. Lots of people are asking me:

“Hey Chaps, what’s the deal? Not a big diamond guy? Figured you were in the market.”

“Hey Chaps, you more of a square stone fan? I can see that. Matches your jaw.”

No no. It’s none of that. You see, I can’t afford a 71.2 million dollar diamond. When I heard this action was going on, I placed my bid at 3 thousand dollars. As you can imagine, it was not accepted. So while I would love to have 71.5 million in cold, hard cash lying around so that I could spend 71.3 million of it on this beautiful diamond, I simply dont. Facts are facts. I’m not as rich as some of you would believe. Just wanted to be honest with the readers. That’s all.

Congrats to Chow Tai Fook, you son of a bitch. You win again. Treat that diamond right.