
My Favorite Times Tony Romo Wore His Free Pizza Hut Hat

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So by now you know, Tony Romo has “retired”. For some people this isn’t really news, for others, fans of the famous Tony Romo Pizza Hut Hat, this is devastating. Yeah I know he’s not dead and he can still theoretically wear his plain blue hat but something is just different. A Starting QB wearing the free hat he got from a commercial shoot over and over is hilarious. A broadcaster doing it? Who cares. So without further ado, my favorite times Tony Romo wore his free Pizza Hut Hat.

1. That time he went to a basketball game with Jason Garret

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2. That other time he went to a basketball game with Jason Garrett

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3. The time he also went to a basketball game with Jason Garrett

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4. A basketball game, probably with Jason Garrett

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5. This one was unique, it was a basketball game with Jason Garret

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6. Hmmmm, seems like a basketball game but can’t be so sure.

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7. Springsteen concert with Jason Garret and Jason Witten

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8. Finally, that time he went to a basketball game with Jason Witten

So here’s my goodbye. I hope it’s not that, I hope it’s simple a “see ya later” for when Dak gets injured and Tony can attend a SMU game with Jason Garrett. Until that day comes, it’s over.