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An Old (Maybe Drunk?) Australian Man Talking About Cyclone Debbie Giving Blowjobs On A Live News Broadcast Isn't Much Of A Surprise

I think we can all agree that you have to put this slip up on the reporter. If you see four old people playing cards with candles on and wine out, you have to be on your toes about what is going to be said. It might be racist, it might be a slew of slurred curse words, and/or it may be sexual. But whatever it is, it is coming out HOT.

As for our “local” Kev, one look at his face, that slight smile, and the twinkle in his eye told me that something ridiculous was about to come out of his mouth. Kev doesn’t appear to be the saltiest dog in Bowen, but those eyes tell me that he holds court quite often at the local pub and his rantings are not PG-13 either. Australians are already known for being fun and crass as fuck. So the reporter telling us that Bowen is filled with characters like Kev helps you realize that making it through that 20 second clip without someone dropping multiple C-bombs or references to their grundle may have actually been a victory for News 7.


P.S. How good to news reporters have it in Austrlia? The don’t need to worry about Old Man Winter ramming his dick into them during blizzards and they get to interview the locals wearing Adidas t-shirts and a sunburn that is probably permanent because it’s always warm there. And I guarantee this reporter went straight from this interview to the closest bar and drank his face off since I feel like Australia is always in a state of partying, which gets turned up to a million once cyclone season starts.


*For the record, hurricane is a much more badass name than cyclone, which in turn is a much more badass name than typhoon.