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Port Aransas Spring Break Was Basically One Gigantic Day Long Riot

PORT ARANSAS (KIII NEWS)A short chase following a disturbance on the beach in Port Aransas around 6 p.m. Wednesday caused quite a stir in the crowd as hundreds of beach goers began chasing officers.

The incident was caught on camera by Facebook viewer Jonathan Vela and shared with 3News.

You know your Spring Break is turnt when 1) the video of it goes viral and 2) that viral video features a massive stampede of people all running in one direction and screaming.  Always the sign that some shit is going DOWN.

According to Port Aransas police, two men were seen fighting near Mile Marker 30 and officers got out of their vehicles to diffuse the situation. Both men resisted and ran toward the dunes, prompting officers to give chase. It was then that the hundreds of beach goers in the area took notice and ran for the dunes as well, following the officers.


At some point in the confusion, officers determined that the rushing crowd was becoming a threat to safety. Officers said they told the crowd to get back, but when they did not listen officers sprayed pepper spray into the crowd. At that time, another fight broke out.

Police were able to detain the offenders and put them in handcuffs. Thankfully no one was injured, and police said the situation was under control in about eight minutes.

Port Aransas officers said according to penal code, a group of more than seven people interfering with an officer is a riot by definition, and that the use of any force was by the book and meant to prevent people from getting hurt.

Fights. Pepper spray. More fights. “A riot by definition.”

It’s like I always say – if your Spring Break leads off the 10 o’clock news, you’re doing college right.