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This Video Displaying Every Single Mario Kart Cheat/Glitch Should Be Banished From Existence

I don’t hate it. In fact, I love it. There are cheats and glitches in here that I could never even fathom, let alone knew existed. That being said, FUCK this video. No, not because these guys are the apex of video game nerdom. I applaud them for living in a virtual world more than reality. This video needs to vanish from the Internets because there are some secrets that should not be blasted out there for the sake of humanity. Respect in life and Kart isn’t given, it’s earned. People need to go through millions of hours, blood, sweat, tears, and punches before they’re worthy of this information. This is the video game equivalent to broadcasting out the Atomic Secrets to every third world country across Earth. Nope. Not on my watch. No Noob deserves these kinds of information until they’re ready. With great power comes great responsibility. And I’m not putting down money on Kart with the chance of some punk rookie picking up the sticks and hopping over Choco Mountain like they’re on the asteroid in Armageddon and just turned off their thrusters to float over a canyon. You’re goddamn right that reference/run-on sentence was a stretch. Deal with it.

PS – Old, but still funny nonetheless. What a world.