
Jimmy Garoppolo's Instagram Hacked with Fake Goodbye Post. Or Was It ... ?


According to all the reports, Jimmy Garoppolo’s Instagram was hacked and this is Fake News. Of course that begs the question, how it could happen at 3:55am EST and the post could still be sitting there by the start of the work day? But I have no idea how these things work. In a Wikileaks world where someone is listening to the President of the United States talking to world leaders on the phone, the CIA is watching you through your Samsung and Alexa is a covert double agent, changing the password of the Instagram account of the next quarterback of the Cleveland Browns is probably child’s play.

On the other hand, maybe Jimmy G just wants it left up there because he knows he is getting traded today and the hackers just saved him the time and effort. Anything is possible on Day 2 of the wildest free agency period in Patriots history.