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Swedish Politician Thinks People Would Be Happier With Sex Breaks At Work: What An Idiot


A new motion by Per-Erik Muskos, city councillor for the northern town of Övertorneå, seeks to reconcile overworked couples.


By having a one-hour paid break from work so they can go home and have sex.

He reasons that couples do not spend enough time together in today’s busy society, and hopes that the proposal, if passed, can improve people’s relationships.

A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that one in every four married or cohabiting Americans say they’re so sleep deprived they’re too tired to have sex – and are often kept awake by financial worries.

Another study even goes so far as to say people work so much they lose interest in sex.

What a bunch of idiots. Sex will make you happier in the middle of the day? Yeah, right. I don’t know about you but I’m not trying to go to work after a little romp. After I have a sex, I’m trying to catch a nap and a few hours on twitter before falling asleep with my phone in my hand. Going back to work through traffic and shit would be the absolute worst.

If you have to go home to have this sex, you are basically fighting traffic 4 times in one day. You have your morning rush hour, sex hour, return from sex hour traffic, and then the commute home at the end of the day. FUCK THAT. I’d rather not have sex than fight traffic four times in one day.

On the other hand, I’d always be caught up on my podcasts like the Podfathers. Perhaps you should go home on a fuck break right now and listen, subscribe and review after you make a baby with your semen and or vagina.
