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Yoan Moncada's Two And A Half Year Old Son Checking In With An All-Time Bat-Flip

21-year-old Yoan Moncada is the No. 2 prospect in baseball according to, but it looks like his two and a half-year-old son, Robinson, isn’t far off from cracking that same list. The caption on Instagram says that this is his “baseball debut”, but I call bullshit. You don’t just roll out of your race car bed in the morning, have a smooth swing like that, and become one of the most diabolical bat-flippers of all-time on your first day.


Reminds me of the home run that Tom Lawless hit in Game 4 of the 1987 World Series. That was the second home run he had ever hit at the major league level, by the way. Cocky as fuck, but how many opportunities are you ever gonna get to bat-flip a home run that you hit in the World Series? If I got a World Series at-bat, I’d bat-flip a fly ball 10 feet in front of the warning track on the off chance that it went over the fence. Gotta go for it. Life is too short to not bat-flip World Series dingers.


Cutest part of the whole video is how he goes back to get the bat after he tosses it to the moon. Those were the days. You’d make contact and all the parents and kids would lose their minds on your way to first base, and it was just chaos. No bigger adrenaline rush than that. Kids could never make an accurate throw to any base, so you could run forever. Nothing like an infield triple in your baseball debut. Also, not tryna be a snitch, but Robinson definitely didn’t touch second base.