
A French-Born Member Of ISIS Was Killed Despite His Eyes Being Beautiful

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(CNN)The Pentagon announced Friday that a US-led coalition strike in Iraq targeted Rachid Kassim, an ISIS operative tied to numerous terrorist plots in Europe.

“Coalition forces targeted Rachid Kassim, a senior ISIS operative, near Mosul in a strike in the past 72 hours,” US Maj. Adrian Rankine-Galloway said.
The Pentagon said it is still assessing the results, but a senior US defense official told CNN that it was “likely successful.”
The official added that the airstrike was carried out by a drone.
Kassim is a French citizen who has allegedly inspired terrorist attacks in France. He is considered one of the most dangerous of all ISIS operatives because he enabled a string of plots against France by communicating with ISIS sympathizers in France through encrypted messaging apps.

The reports of Rachid Kassim’s death are a few days old at this point and I’ve been wrestling with one aspect of his death. I’m cool with him being droned to death because he was the “mastermind” of many attacks on the people of France, but I need to get this off my chest. His eyes were incredibly dynamic. Right? Like that’s not just me. He’s got extremely smoky eyelids. It would take an idiot to not see that. I think that we’re at a place as a society where we can cheer the death of a terrorist while lamenting that a dynamite set of eyes was wiped off the face of the Earth, and if we aren’t, we should be.