Is There Anything More Degrading Than Being Superplexed By A Naked Male Stripper?
Survey says…Nope. Maybe if he dropped her into a literal bucket of dicks, but other than that, this is what we call rock bottom. And that’s possibly a good thing for this fair lady. There’s really nowhere to go but up after having balls in your face then being tossed upside down through the Earth. Maybe next time instead of starting with the standing-69 they can attempt the Dirty Dancing move before she breaks her face. That’s assuming she’s ever able to walk on her own again. Which is a big assumption.
For real though, I haven’t seen a toss like that since Danny Bonadouche tossed off and shattered the teeth of that bigger douchebag Jonny FairPlay.
Love Bonadouche’s reaction. Just a pure Joe Pesci after shooting Spider “Whadya want from me?” look:
PS – This is how you pull the standing-69 like a champ. And by champ I mean a special needs kid getting his Make-A-Wish Foundation dream come true, but to each their own.