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Netflix's New Series "Iron Fist" Is Batman Begins Without Bats

I’m a big Marvel guy, despite the unrelenting flood of movies and shows they’ve been throwing at us over the past couple years. I’m super pumped for Logan because jacked Hugh Jackman is way better than Les Miserables Hugh Jackman even though his voice is angelic. I hear Luke Cage is good too, and obviously Deadpool, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange are characters I will follow until their sequels fall off a cliff.

However, Netflix released this trailer for the upcoming “Iron Fist” today. A young son of super-rich parents is orphaned, learns martial arts in the snowy mountains, and returns to clean up the streets of his city and rid his parents’ company of corruption. Holy Batman, Batman! I know a lot of superheroes have parallel origin stories but this is too close for comfort. The Nolan Batman series taught me so much about life– mainly, theatricality and deception are powerful agents against the uninitiated (try spelling that word. I’ve blogged that sentence 3 times now and haven’t come close once). This Iron Fister dude looks like a male yoga teacher and namasté away from this series unless you guys tell me it’s incredible. March 17th premier, keep me posted.