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Taunting Trump After A Failed Attempt To Kill You During An Operation Is Not Wise, Qassim al-Rimi.


The Navy SEAL raid in Yemen last week had a secret objective — the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, who survived and is now taunting President Donald Trump in an audio message.

Military and intelligence officials told NBC News the goal of the massive operation was to capture or kill Qassim al-Rimi, considered the third most dangerous terrorist in the world and a master recruiter.

But while one SEAL, 14 al Qaeda fighters and some civilians, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed during a firefight, al-Rimi is still alive and in Yemen, multiple military officials said.

On Sunday, al-Rimi — who landed on the United States’ most-wanted terrorist list after taking over al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate in 2015 — released an audio recording that military sources said is authentic.

“The fool of the White House got slapped at the beginning of his road in your lands,” he said in an apparent reference to the Jan. 29 raid.

Doesn’t seem wise to mock the President of the United States, who isn’t known for his forgiveness or ability to take criticism, because a team of Seals failed to kill you. In fact, I would take that as a sign that it’s time to lay low. Maybe go underground like Jason Bourne. Take a few months off from being a terrorist and see the sights in Columbia or some shit. What I certainly wouldn’t do is record numerous audio tapes playing the drone strike version of nanny nanny boo boo with the dude who has the nuclear codes. Not smart.

Trump goes after SNL nearly every day because the cast mocks him. Alec Baldwin isn’t actually a terrorist, so I don’t think this will end well for al-Rimi, who actually is a terrorist. Feels like a 155 round will be up his ass by the end of the month, either that or the Seal Team 6 will do a follow-on mission and correct their mistakes. If the over/under for al-Rimi’s life is set at 20 days, I’m taking the under and so should you.