
Internet Investigates Whether Trump's Bodyguard Wore Fake Arms During The Inauguration

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The SunSOCIAL media is awash with sensational claims that one of Donald Trump’s bodyguards was wearing FAKE ARMS at the inauguration.

Astonishing footage appeared to show the rather stiff-looking security guard walking down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House without moving his arms once.

Conspiracy theorists suggested he may have worn prosthetics so that his finger was poised ready to pull the trigger on the gun believed to be hidden under his coat.

…The bald bodyguard caught the eye of social media users while accompanying Trump and his wife Melania as they walked to the White House after the ceremony.

Dozens pointed out that the guard held his hands in exactly the same position for several minutes.

This led to speculation that he was concealing a weapon under his jacket and was most likely holding it with his trigger finger ready.

I love the way this is phrased by the way. “Conspiracy theorists” say, footage “sparks sensational claims.” The fuck cares? What is it illegal or something to wear fake arms? Is the entire prosthetics community on a Wanted list? I mean this is basically the smartest bodyguard move I’ve ever seen. Fake hands out, real hands holding a gun under the coat ready to blast an assassinator away. Congrats to all the internet sleuths though for bailing on trying to figure out who killed Kennedy and what’s in Area 51 in order to unearth the truth about a bodyguard doing a stellar job of protecting the President of the United States.


Oh and those are 1,000% fake arms by the way. Robot arms. I mean look at the fucking guy. Those are robot arms if I’ve ever seen robot arms.

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PS this is the video the haters are using to say it’s all baloney.

Oh yeah, look at that movement. A totally convincing amount of movement. No way that little twitch can be done robotically. I always walk for hours on end with my arms in that exact position.

Plot twist: the bodyguard wasn’t holding a gun under a coat, he just literally has no arms but is a close personal friend that Trump owed a favor.

Both equally possible.