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Hope You're Not Planning on Going Anywhere on the Metro in DC This Weekend

metro train

Washington Post – Metro has big weekend plans for the Red Line, which will be closed through the middle of D.C., but other track work will affect schedules on the Green, Blue and Yellow lines.
Here’s a line-by-line look at the disruptions, which begin at 10 p.m. Friday and continue through Metrorail’s midnight closing Sunday.
Red Line. Metro is going to close rail service on its most heavily used line through the downtown core.
Blue Line. Crews will be working south of the Braddock Road station in Virginia, where they will install new rail ties and refurbish the third rail. All along the line, trains will operate every 16 minutes during the day, and on their regular weekend schedules at other hours.
Yellow Line. The work zone is the same as for the Blue Line, since the two share tracks in that area. Yellow Line trains also will operate every 16 minutes during the day and on their regular weekend schedule at other hours. The northbound trains will end their runs at Mount Vernon Square rather than continuing to Fort Totten, as they normally would on a weekend. To reach stations north of Mount Vernon Square, transfer to the Green Line train, which will arrive on the same platform.
Green Line. Crews will work on the test track for new rail cars between Greenbelt and College Park. From College Park to the end of the line at Branch Avenue, trains will operate on their normal weekend schedule. At the Greenbelt station on the other end of the line, service will be limited. The trains will arrive and depart every 20 to 25 minutes. For that reason, a traveler who normally would use the Greenbelt station might be better off going to College Park, or to New Carrollton, which is on the Orange Line.

What a fucking week for DC. Can’t go to work Monday through Friday, can’t go out on the weekend. It’s like someone took control of the city and is trying to trap everyone in their homes until they run out of food and die. Turn it into a ghost town, drop a nuke, and start it over again.

The people I feel the worst for are the families who paid to come to this tragedy of a city this week. Like, think about all the fanny pack wearing soccer moms who dragged their depressed husbands and whiny kids to DC to go to museums and take pictures with Abe, only to find out everything is closed and the Metro isn’t running. Bet those dads will be just elated when they spend their vacation from the cube world in a Holiday Inn in downtown DC watching basic cable in standard definition while their kids complain and the wives shovel packs of famous amos cookies down their throats.