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Nothing But Pure Joy On The Face Of This Dude Who Realizes A Soccer Player's Last Name Looks Like "Fucks"

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Just classic word humor right there. Yes it’s dumb. Yes it’s juvenile. Yes it’s about as sophisticated as a fart joke. Yes to all of that. But that doesn’t make it any less hilarious. The best part of that is the guy’s discovery. He’s just having a normal day at a normal soccer match then his life instantly changes for the better. So much so that he can’t contain his joy and has to spread it to the other people around him. That’s what it’s all about. And if we’re being totally honest, nothing matches the moment in a young man’s life when he discovers the F word. It is life changing. It’s the best word ever and can express countless emotions. By the way, my version of heaven, if I could choose, would simply be to find out how many times I said the word “fuck” over the course of my life. That’s all I want. Just tell me the raw number and then end my existence for eternity. I don’t ask for much. I don’t need 72 virgins. I don’t need an endless supply of rodeo burgers from Burger King. I just wanna know the number.