
Alexa Starts Talking About Anal Dildo Rings, Much To The Chagrin Of Overbearing Adults

BGR - Playing with an Echo Dot, a young boy attempts to get it to play something, though it’s not immediately clear exactly what he’s asking for. It sounds like “Digger, Digger” — you know how much kids love construction equipment — but that might not be entirely accurate. Whatever the case, Alexa doesn’t hear him correctly and instead delivers a rather graphic description of pornography.

“Hot chick amateur girl sexy,” Alexa begins spitting out. You can hear several people in the background realizing how dark things have gotten and begin yelling “No!” repeatedly. Amazon’s virtual assistant isn’t deterred by this, and continues its hilarious rant, spitting out “pussy anal dildo ring” before the man filming the whole ordeal is able to yell “Alexa, stop!”


Kids grow up so fast these days. Back in my day, we didn’t have easy access to Internet porn. We had to stay up late and watch scrambled porn on our 13 inch Magnavox TV with the built-in VCR. Or when you were POSITIVE your parents were asleep, possibly tip toe down the stairs and catch a glimpse of Skinemax, while looking over your shoulder ever 15 seconds to make sure nobody was around. It wasn’t so easy to see tits in our formative years. You had to earn them.

But nowadays, every 6th grader has a cell phone and has access to an entire world of double anal fisting. It actually blows my mind when I think about how easy they have it/how fucked up these kids are. During those tuck-your-boner-into-your-waistband years, we had 1 computer shared by everyone in the house, and it was on dial-up. Didn’t get a laptop til college. But these god damn kids these days, they have been watching YouPorn since they could crawl. Nothing phases them. We used to try to hold girls hands during recess, they are breaking up with chicks if they aren’t getting blown under the monkey bars.

So of course Alexa is talking about pussy anal dildo rings. What else would she be talking about? Tell your grandfather that with a push of a button a little circle robot thing will start giving a play by play of anal sex. This is the future we’ve been waiting for.