
NFL Fines The Giants $150,000, Ben McAdoo $50,000, And Move Their 4th Round Pick Back For Using Walkie-Talkies During The Cowboys Game


The NFL fined the New York Giants $150,000 and coach Ben McAdoo $50,000 for the illegal use of walkie-talkies during their Week 14 victory over the Dallas Cowboys, the league announced Tuesday. In addition, the Giants’ fourth-round pick in the 2017 NFL draft will fall to the end of the fourth-round, including compensatory picks, but no more than 12 spots from where the Giants finished in the draft order for that round.

Coaches are not allowed to hold any two-way radios during a game, but Giants coach Ben McAdoo was seen on the sidelines holding the walkie-talkie when it was apparent the team was having trouble getting plays in to Eli Manning. One NFL source told ESPN’s Adam Schefter that even though the Giants weren’t communicating with Manning within 15 seconds of the play clock ending, they had the “opportunity” to do it.

$200,000 in total fines for five plays on a walkie talkie?!?! This aggression will not stand! Fire Goodell! FIRE GOODELL!!!!!!! Sorry Ben McAdoo didn’t want to inconvenience the world by stopping a primetime game that basically everyone in America was watching. When you are the son of a coal miner and the husband of a coal miner’s daughter, you try to fix things yourself. Put it on your back so others don’t have to suffer. Maybe you get the black lung, maybe you get fined by the league. But the show must go on and food has to go on the table by hook or by crook. So I salute you Benjamin Lee McAdoo. For being the hero the NFL deserves but not the one it needs right now.

And the worst part of all this? You know this fine shook Benny Mac to his core. He’s pacing back and forth with that $50,000 fine hanging over his head, scared to tell Mrs. McAdoo that he got reprimanded at work. Sure he makes NFL head coach money now, but it hasn’t changed him at all. He’s still Benny from the block. Salt of the fucking earth. His dad lifted too much coal to peel off a $50k check like it’s no big thing. McAdoo is probably rifling through his car ashtray right now as he figures out how he will pay this fine. This fine is not only an attack on the Giants, but on common men everywhere.

P.S. I loooove talking myself into the Giants 4th round picks as is. The diamond in the rough that should have gone 2 rounds higher. Give me that linebacker that I will believe in until the bitter end, Jerry! And if he doesn’t pan out (he probably won’t), I can now blame the crooked NFL instead of you. Gonna be tough enough picking 32nd in all the other rounds as is.