
Kid Takes Trip To New York With His Girlfriend To Propose To Her, Promptly Gets Stabbed In The Head By A Stranger

NYDN- A dream engagement weekend turned into a nightmare for a 23-year-old Washington state groom-to-be when a man randomly stabbed him in the back of the head in Midtown, sources said. Connor Rasmussen, 23, managed to pull the knife out of his head and escaped without serious injury after the shocking attack on Madison Ave. and E. 46th St. at about 1:45 a.m. Sunday, police sources said Monday. Rasmussen was in New York to spring a surprise marriage proposal to the love of his life, Jordan Asher, 22. He had proposed to her Friday in Central Park, with a crew of 11 other family and friends who flew in just to witness the sparkling moment.

“He always loved New York and my daughter said now he hates New York,” the bride-to-be’s grandmother Linda Colon said. “I love New York and I feel so sad. They were having a wonderful experience and now, a horrible experience. They are all very traumatized.” Sources said Rasmussen was walking with a female friend about a half block behind two other friends in search of a pizzeria. The victim, who had noticed the suspect about 50 yards behind him a few moments earlier, yelled out to his friends to “hold up.” Then the suspect ran up behind the man and plunged a steak knife into the base of his skull, near his neck, sources said. “It was just some random dude,” said Rasmussen’s best friend Ryan Asher, 23, the brother of the bride-to-be. “He didn’t even reach for my friend’s purse. He took off the second he stabbed him. I don’t think it was a robbery attempt.”

“Now you’re in Newwwww Yooooooork – Alicia Keys



I hate to sound cold, but I think our boy Connor ended up with a W when things were all said and done. Sure jagged metal digging in jussssst below your skull must be a jarring feeling. But I’ve seen how this story ends without the stabbing a million times. These two get married, move to the big city where their proposal happened because they love it so much, yada yada yada they pop out a few kids and are eternally tired/in debt.

The problem is that the yada yada yada is they are in a cold, smelly, overpriced, overcrowded city on the other side of the country from their family. It’s a place where a random dude stabbing you in the head for no damn reason at all doesn’t crack the Top 100 most random or gruesome crimes for the city that day. Shit, a few people would probably say he deserved it just for proposing in Central Park during Christmas time. Good luck telling your neighbors that story without them eye rolling you to hell and back. In the long run, it’s better to hate New York from your likely very nice house in Washington state than hating New York from your cramped apartment in New York. I’m not saying Connor should shake the stabber’s hand or anything. But a subtle nod if they ever cross paths again would be nice (based on the story, I don’t think Connor will be coming back to New York anytime soon).