
Goodell Talks About Deflategate 2 and - Surprise! - Lies His Ass Off


There’s your boy, all you Anti-Science Flat Earthers. Roger Goodell is the horse you’ve backed through the whole Deflategate clown show. And here he is in total Spin Cycle, telling you that now it’s all about things like “maintaining control,” “following protocols” and “maintaining accuracy.” And having the absolute, conscience-free, unmitigated gall to look you in the eye, fix that lie-hole he calls a mouth and tell you that if the balls aren’t measured with the same device, you can’t go by them.

As a reminder, here are the gauges his minions went by to crucify Tom Brady:

Gauges which, according the report he paid millions for, were off by so much that Ted Wells and Exponent couldn’t tell which one to go by. So they just picked and chose whichever numbers made their case and disregarded the ones that didn’t. So congrats to you all. He lied to you about CTE, he lied to you about a half dozen wife-beating cases and he’s lying to you about control and protocols and accurate devices. But I’m sure told you the truth about Brady cheating. Enjoy supporting this scumbag. It must be really gratifying.