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Eating This Bird Will Make You Horny As Hell

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Houbara bustard’s meat is prized for its supposed aphrodisiac qualities and the bird is considered to be at risk of extinction.

If this bird goes extinct before I get a chance to eat it and therefore become horny as hell, I’m gonna be irate. I can understand why this bird would get you randy. Look at that thing. Long legs. Firm but thicc chest. Long ole phallic lookin neck. OH BABY!

This bird is out there in north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province struttin its ass like you wouldn’t believe. Neighboring tribes and villages wanna get all hyped up on the bird version of raw oysters to fuck their brains straight out and I dont blame em one bit.

I need to take a little vacation to Pakistan to down this forbidden erotic poultry before it’s too late.

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Seems like a reasonable price to get the chance of having some sex all hyped up on Houbara bustard. Somebody tell Pageviews that I’ll be working remotely over the break.