
Stoolies Are Already Taking Over At Army Vs. Navy. We Need Your Help To Build A Home For A Wounded Veteran.

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If there are two things Stoolies are great at it’s causing mayhem and stepping up for charity when they know it’s for a great cause. We can already check the box on talent #1, as we’ve already taken over College Gameday and are currently owning the tailgate lot. Still need to come through on talent two and that’s raising money to help a wounded vet live comfortably. They put themselves in harm’s way for us, the least we can do is make their lives a little easier when they return home. Dave put a $50k promise up from Barstool so, for once, let’s make sure he doesn’t look like an asshole and reach that number. Fuck it, let’s leave the number in the dust.

If you’re at the game stop by, make a donation, and drink for free. If you’re at home, give what you can and simply feel good about yourself. Let’s just make sure we hit this number and help a wounded vet get a home.