
The Houston Cougars Have Hired Major Applewhite and Possibly Started Smoke Stacking


Houston pulls off a surprise move and goes with Major Applewhite despite being linked to Lane Kiffin for the past few days. I dont hate it. Major Applewhite is a fantastic football coach’s name and he’s been a good offensive coordinator for the University of Houston blah blah blah.

The important part here is this Houston beat writer is on to something big. This picture is obviously a photoshop but I need schools to start smoke signal proclamations like the college of cardinals does when announcing the new Pope. I want more places to announce stuff by smoke. The atmosphere around the Pope smoke stack is electric and capturing that moment more than once every 15 years or so is necessary.

My wife decides where she wants to eat dinner. Smoke.
I pick out a new type and variety of underwear because the ones that I’m currently wearing are a little bit itchy and bind up in the back which I find to be uncomfortable while wearing jeans. Smoke.

The use of a smoke signal needs to make a comeback in a big way and I think this is the start.