
Damn, Tim Tebow Just Fucked Your Grandma Again

There goes Tim Tebow, fucking your bitches again. What a life he’s leading. Hitting over .100 in minor league baseball and railing out the hottest chicks in town. The American Dream. Scooping up your nana, taking her to pound town, and not even donating to the food bank in her name. You think your granny is safe? Think again. He puts on this guise as being the good ol’ Christian boy, who feeds the Starvin Marvin Ethiopians, but I see right through it. He’s hooking up with the hottest birds in the land and leaving them before coffee and oatmeal are served in the dining hall in the morning, and now we have video proof. I could handle Tim Tebow when he was shucking and jiving all over TV, spreading his message. I could handle him when he was building homes in Guatemala. But this is where I draw the line. Once he starts openly running trains on the 10/10s of the world, that’s where enough is enough. Yes it is out of jealousy, because Tebow truly does have it all.