
Phillies Vendor "Pistachio Girl" Fired For Being Kind Of A Nazi, Is Also An Extremely Cocky Bitch On A Soapbox – Pistachio Girl has been fired from her job as a food vendor at Citizens Bank Park. In an interview with Red Ice TV, an internet outlet that promotes white identity politics, Emily Youcis, 26, said she was terminated by Aramark after being told her social media activities supporting white nationalist ideas do not reflect her employer’s values. Last month, Youcis gained attention when she became involved in a fracas outside a conference of the National Policy Institute, where she had been interviewing protesters who accused the group of supporting anti-Semitism, white supremacy and fascism. Youcis said she had been a supporter of the white nationalist “alt-right” movement for about 10 months.

Nothing like a couple of fascist chicks rapping back and forth about bringing racism back to the mainstream. Is this what the “Alt-Right” deal is all about? Because I’m pretty sure you can just call it the KKK’s red-headed step-child. And Pistachio Girl is well within her rights to believe in the cause. That’s what America is all about. Conversly, the Phillies and Aramark are justifiable to castrate her nuts when she becomes a Grand Wizard on social media. It doesn’t exactly look well when a employee starts spewing out these type of quotes in a public setting:

“I want to stand up for white America, the backbone of America. The baseball fans are all white American, basically, at the Phillies.”

“Now I have nothing to lose, I can just ‘Fasch Out’ full-time.”

“If any of you lawyers are interested in this case (of her getting fired) come find me, we’ll take it to the top…If we win I’m gonna get some real fuck you money and it’s all gonna go back to the cause.”

And my own personal favorite:

“I was like a God (in Citizen’s Bank Park), I owned that stadium.”

Huh? Roy Halladay. Chase Utley. Ryan Howard (circa 2006 – death by contract/Achillies). Those were true Dieties amonst men in South Philly. This bitch belted out a few high notes during Business Person Specials for minimum wage. Get off your high horse, woman.

Oh, and she asked for donations to her personal PayPal. For “The Cause”. Or rent. Same shit. WHITE POWER.